Q&A with a Regional referee
The more you commit to the work, the further you’ll go and the more quickly you’ll advance (generally speaking). But knowing exactly what the progression pathway looks like is important too...

I’ve been messaging a bit with a Regional referee I got know recently. A big thanks to them!
Here are a few important details from our conversation so ambitious referees can map out a plan of attack for their progression.
What’s the deal with State Cup, Regionals and Nationals?
If you do your State Cup & Presidents Cup, it will help get you looks for Regionals!
Doing the State Cup is a good thing to do. The games can be good and intense. And at lower experience levels, you kind of have to start with the State Tournament to get to the Regional Tournament.
My advice - if you want to be considered for Regionals? Do the State Cup!
What’s the difference between State Cup & Presidents Cup?
State Cup is the top tournament. Presidents Cup is like the second-tier tournament.
In a way, it’s a lot like UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Europa League.
Both are good, prestigious tournaments. I’d recommend you do both for a while!
What should my goal be with regards to getting an invitation to Regionals and Nationals?
Some never get to Nationals. Some go in their 1st or 2nd year of Regional.
I think an ambitious goal for you would be to get to Regionals in 2024.
What is really like progressing to a Regional badge?
It’s A LOT of work.
It requires a lot of studying, going to courses, and physical training.
The more you commit to that, the further you’ll go and the more quickly you’ll advance! Generally speaking. If you put the work in, the results will show.
With regards to State Tournaments, who decides who works the semi-finals and finals?
I’m going to give an overview here just to keep it anonymous.
[State officials, admins] decide the Finals. They run the show for State Cup.
Generally, assignors assign early round games. Bigger State Officials take more control in the later rounds and run the thing for the Finals.
What’s it like to go for a National badge?
It’s trending now that to get your National badge, you have to show you can Referee and AR. You only decide what path you’re committing to after you get your National badge.
National upgrades happen annually. USSF hosts National Camp in December and the national referees for the following year are selected there.
It’s so intense because it’s how USSF determines its next generation of professional officials.
I think of it this way: Regional, most officials can get there if they put the work in. National, that’s not the case. The work is necessary, but far from sufficient.
Know a soccer ref? Feel free to share this with them 💙