Time for a little video review and quiz!

The CR technically has a decision to make here. He could have gone with a penalty and sending off instead of a goal and caution.
But what’s the right decision?
Jay gets it spot on here.

My take: The player was initially sent off for a handball that stopped a clear goal scoring opportunity. BUT the ball had actually gone over the goal line. This may have been difficult for the CR to see but the AR had the perfect view to know that this was a goal.
The CR actually made the right call given he wasn’t 100% sure a goal had been scored. Probably better to give the red at the very moment you see the handball to avoid losing the player and potentially sending off the wrong player afterwards.
Big credit goes to the CR/AR communication here. Looks like the AR lets the CR know a goal was scored. This means there can’t be a sending off offense because the goal scoring opportunity was not quashed. The CR changes the red to a yellow and the goal is allowed.
Know a footy ref? Feel free to share this with them 💙