Referee one-liners to help you better control games and players
Here are a few lines you can keep in your back pocket and use when needed.

Thanks to Steven for this video! Make sure you subscribe.
“Not today” | “Not in this game”
“I hear you”
“You’re not wrong”
“I saw that”
“What did I miss”
“I missed it” (don’t use it too often or it hurts your credibility)
Some from the comments that I liked
“Be smart”
“Good, good, good” (when shielding or jostling happening)
Of course we’ll all develop some favorites of our own but these are some strong options to fall back on in the moment.
A few things I learned at my State Final clinic.
Use Abusive/insulting language
Criticizing other officials
Criticizing coaches, players
Say “I would have…”
Make physical contact with coaches, players
Add fuel to the fire
Invite debate
Let irresponsible behavior persist
Know a soccer ref? Feel free to share this with them 💙