The most respectful ways to deny a substitution opportunity
A palm up or a finger wag can always be taken the wrong way. Here are a few thoughts on better ways to communicate this...

This is just a thought that came to mind between game days.
Probably something I’ve been doing mediocrely for a while and am just realizing!
Sometimes a coach calls me for a substitution when the other team has possession on a throw in. This and advantage situations (one team is taking a quick restart) are the only times I’ll deny a sub opportunity.
Sometimes this happens in the middle of a heated moment of the game though. So my mind is racing and my senses are heightened.
Sometimes this can lead to a finger wag from me. Or even just holding my palm up towards the benches to signal them to wait until I decide the substitution can happen.
I never mean for it to be disrespectful. It’s more me trying to be respectful to the Laws Of The Game and the team in possession!
But thinking about it now, I can see how a coach might be taken a bit aback by an abrupt hand or a finger wag at them. Might be a bit over the top.
Takeaway: I just need to remember to always be respectful in these moments. There are lots of ways to communicate this better:
“Next time you have possession, coach!”
“It’s not your ball right now, coach. Next time!”
“I got you on your next possession, coach.”
I’ll keep working to get used to using these and other one-liners to keep the game flowing and positive.
This is also something I can discuss with ARs before the match. AR1 is much closer to the coaches so might be able to communicate this for me if I’m on the other side of the field.
Know a soccer ref? Feel free to share this with them 💙